Lynn Heslop : Structure and Colour Throughout the Seasons

Garden designer and plant expert Lynn Heslop spoke to our group about Structure and Colour Throughout the Seasons in her June 2024 talk.
Lynn emphasised the importance of year-round interest in the garden and not to focus solely on planting. She encouraged us all to think about important matters, such as lighting and using non-slip paving, so you stay safe during winter strolls.
She urged us not to be in a hurry to get that all-important structure in place. Many plants needed at least two years to get established and look their best.

Some plant recommendations during winter months were Daphne (lovely flowers and scent), and varieties of Pittosporum which have variegated leaves.
Lynn made a strong case for having topiary shapes in your garden – preferably using yew, holly or privet – to give structure in a winter garden. When planning a garden plot, much of a third of the planting could be evergreen.
Other favourites of Lynn’s were Brachyglottis “Sunshine” which has silver-grey leaves with yellow daisy-like flowers during the summer, and the Lime Marmalade Heuchera which retains its colour in the winter.
She had a great tip for those who like to grow tall grasses – grow other plants through the grasses to hold them up.
When considering trees, think about the flowers, berries, bark and stems. Lynn spoke about arches and arbours, and urged us to take time to plan a garden and never forget what maintenance it would need throughout the year.