Visit to Harlow Carr, October 5th 2024

Warm sunshine greeted the 38 members on their visit to RHS Garden Harlow Carr near Harrogate. Meeting at 8.30am on Ruddington village green on the busiest day of the month proved no difficulty for driver Alex of Paul Winson Coaches, Loughborough.
Although the stalls were still being set up for the monthly Farmers’ Market, he still managed to find a convenient parking space.
We were a little short on numbers due to illness, but everyone was in good heart as they boarded the coach for the annual RGA visit to one of the most important RHS gardens.
After arrival everyone went their separate ways to enjoy the gardens, arboretum, alpine house, kitchen garden, library, plus the cafes and restaurants on the 58-acre site.
The recently replanted alpine house was well worth visiting. Members were not disappointed by the excellent autumn colours in the borders and on the trees.
Asters were at their best with some roses still in bloom. We all enjoyed the prairie-style planting and the attention given to filling in any gaps after the summer flowering plants had finished.
The Thaliana Bridge, installed during the last 3 years across the Queen Mother’s Lake, added a modern touch. This bridge reflects the outstanding contribution made to plant genetics by the late Dr Rachael Leech from the University of Sheffield through her work on the cruciferous plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale Cress). Donations from her estate provided the finance for the construction of the bridge.
The timing of the visit was perfect for the end of the growing season and we all found lots of inspiration from our wanderings in the gardens. Mike Davey’s traditional raffle duly drawn, we departed for home! Everyone agreed it was a grand, and relaxing, day out